
Friday, June 19, 2009


I had my 40 week appointment yesterday. Zero cm, folks. ZERO. "Maybe a little bit of thinning."


I had to go back for an ultrasound today because I measured slightly smaller than last week, but everything is totally find. She's apparently quite comfortable in there. And it looks like she has fat cheeks.


Amanda said...

EVICTION! What a little turkey! She's either going to be incredibly strong willed or a super snuggler.

AJU5's Mom said...

I am guessing she just wants to totally surprise you with her entrance. That, or you will have to evict her...

Tracy said...

we hereby serve notice to occupant that the lease to the living quarters (i.e. "womb") is terminated, and moving out procedures are to commence immediately.

Okay, that may not work. But I'll keep praying.