
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A question

If I continue to refuse to join Twitter, does that make me the crotchety old man of the internet? I already own an un-"smart" phone and I have no text messaging plan. I have to pay for each text message! Individually! And it takes me eleven thousand hours to type them!


Heather R said...

ditto on the texts! I hate texting! and I have not joined twitter.

maggie said...

BUT I LOVE TWITTER. And would you believe me if I have thought - MORE THAN ONCE I HAVE THOUGHT THIS - I wish Maureen was on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

No. It does not. This is Terri C whose google account won't work at your site! I am older and more grumpy than you.

Swistle said...

What I've noticed is that "just not happening to participate for one reason or another, perhaps because it doesn't suit needs/interests" is non-aging, but "refusing because it's too new-fangled, and talking about it a lot" is crotchety and elderly.

Anonymous said...

I notice there is another "Anonymous". But this old one is so old and crotchety that the reason she is "Anonymous" is because she doesn't know how to use a "user" name and password. Ah, but life goes on and I remain, Your Anonymous Mom.

Hey, I think it's pretty good to even be able to send.

Anne said...

forget twitter. I hopped on with the tweeting at the beginning, but with blogging, and Facebook, I just didn't have the time to also come up with something else witty to say on Twitter, and deleted my account in a huff a few months ago.

Jenny Grace said...